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What do Parents Need to Know About Teen Drivers and Car Accidents?

Unfortunately, the road can be a dangerous place. This is especially true for teen drivers. Youth, inexperience, and questionable decision-making are a combination that can often lead to disastrous results for these young drivers. Statistically, car accidents account for nearly 1.25 million deaths in the United States annually, with millions more becoming injured or disabled as a result. These numbers may be frightening, but what is important is to remember both the risks and the actions to take to promote[…] Read More

How to Safely Travel for Thanksgiving

Each Thanksgiving, drivers travel many distances to celebrate the holiday. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), approximately 400 traffic-related deaths occur each year during the long holiday weekend. This year, it is unclear if the car accident fatality rates will be the same, given the likely impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on social gatherings. Despite the expectations of reduced traffic, driving has inherent dangers that can be mitigated with the right approach to road safety. With the surges[…] Read More

Teaching Teenagers About the Dangers of Distracted Driving

For teenagers, passing their drivers test is an exciting time in their lives. Unfortunately, this excitement can lead to car accidents due to distractions while driving. It is important to teach your teenage drivers about how to be safe on the road to minimize the number of distracted driving accidents that occur. Teenagers are notoriously more distracted while driving due to the over-stimulated world we live in. Having to focus on the road is difficult for teenagers and younger drivers[…] Read More