Getting compensated fairly by insurance companies after being hurt in a car accident can be challenging. Many insurance adjusters will try to downplay the extent of an injury and offer an inadequate settlement amount. How can victims make sure they get the maximum amount of compensation that is available to recover physically and financially post-accident? Following a few steps will help any injured driver or passenger have less trouble recovering money to help pay for medical bills, property damage, and to recover lost wages.
What Should I Do at the Car Accident Scene?
What a victim does at a crash scene can impact a personal injury claim. It is vital that all drivers involved in wrecks contact emergency services after collisions occur. Once medical personnel arrive, medics can begin attending to wounded individuals, and the police will gather information to include in their reports.
The police report will be invaluable to setting the stage as to what happened. A victim will be expected to contribute to the report through an interview with the officer. They should avoid admitting mistakes to ensure that the report is as unbiased and as factual as possible.
What Evidence Should be Collected?
Images and videos can be quite useful in proving liability if it is needed. They may even show how an injury occurred. Although a seriously hurt victim may not be able to gather evidence directly after the crash, unhurt passengers or witnesses can always contribute. The more visual records, the better for a claim. It may also be wise to note any video cameras in the area, such as in parking lots, to request surveillance footage later.
Should I Always Seek Medical Treatment After a Collision?
A car accident victim needs to be seen right away by medical personnel, either at the scene or within the following day. Waiting too long to get diagnosed and treated for an injury could lead to denied insurance claims. What kind of denials could insurance adjusters offer? Some may say that the injury happened after the crash and not because of it. This is a common tactic used to avoid compensating victims in accident situations.
Additionally, victims should also make and keep regular medical appointments. Missing physical therapy treatments or cancelling last-minute diagnostic appointments can insinuate that a victim is not seriously injured. Even though appointments, diagnostics, therapies, and surgical procedures can be costly, victims deserve to get the care and comfort they need.
Why is it Important to Keep Track of Interactions?
Everyone knows that memories can fade, even after a stressful or traumatic event, like a car collision. Drivers and passengers should keep a written or typed record of every interaction they have after the crash. These logs can provide a timeline of everything, such as when the victim went to the emergency room and when an insurance adjuster called to ask for an interview.
When is it the Right Time to Speak to a Lawyer?
Though a victim can request compensation by submitting a claim on their own, a seriously injured victim may want to speak with a lawyer first. Calling a lawyer before talking to an insurance representative can help a victim understand how to negotiate for a fair and reasonable settlement offer.
Atlantic City Car Accident Lawyers at the D’Amato Law Firm Help Crash Victims Receive Bigger Settlement Offers
A car accident can be traumatic, but a lawyer can help with maximizing compensation for an injury. Our Atlantic City car accident lawyers at the D’Amato Law Firm assist victims with their complicated car accident claims. We can help you get compensation for your injuries. Contact us online or call us at 609-926-3300 for a free consultation. Located in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout South Jersey, including Atlantic City, Linwood, Galloway Township, Cape May, Vineland, Millville, Bridgeton, Ocean City, and Woodbury.