Safe Driving in the Fall Season

Atlantic City personal injury lawyers advocate for safe driving in the fall season.The transition to fall may conjure up many thoughts as the leaves change colors and the weather gets colder. What many of us may not think about is the unpredictability of weather changes that fall can bring and what is needed to keep yourself and others safe when you are behind the wheel.

When Autumn arrives, days are shorter with the shift in daylight saving time. The effects of the dark can be easily seen through the statistics surrounding traffic fatalities. According to the National Safety Council, 25 percent of driving and 50 percent of traffic fatalities occur at night. Additionally, as we age, our vision naturally worsens and our reflexes slow. A 50-year-old driver may even need twice as much light to see as well as a 30-year-old. According to the American Optometric Association, by the time we reach age 60, we see road signs less clearly and have difficulty with judging speed and distance.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions become tricky in the fall season. Water can pool on the roads, making pavement slick and slippery. Falling leaves can make conditions even worse. Rain and seasonably early snowfall can create puddles, causing your front wheels to hydroplane and lose the ability to steer. You can best combat these conditions by driving slower and drive in the same tire path as the cars in front of you.

Watch for Animals

It is important to remember that in the fall season you are three times more likely to hit an animal than any other time of year, cautions the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Deer are likely to mate during that time of the year.

Tire Maintenance

When driving in fall weather, having enough tread on your tires will allow them to perform better and stop faster. As the weather becomes much colder, tires often lose pressure, making it much more difficult to handle your car. If the pressure is low, it can contribute to a tire blowout. It is important to take notice of the proper tire pressure for your tires. You will usually be able to note the correct pressure by looking for a decal that is pasted on the driver’s door.

Sun Glare

The sun moves closer to the horizon in the fall season, which makes it more likely to reflect off of other cars and windows. The reflection can easily go right into your eyes. You can successfully handle this by wearing sunglasses during the day and avoid looking at the lights of oncoming traffic at night. Keep your windshield as clear as possible so that you do not have any streaks, which can also contribute to the glare.


As the school year begins, children are not as conditioned to look for oncoming traffic as they cross the street after getting off the school bus. It is illegal to pass a bus when its arm is extended, signaling for drivers to stop. Additionally, high school kids are often a danger to themselves and others on the road. The National Safety Council has reported that teen crashes spike in September and happen more often before and after school hours.

Atlantic City Personal Injury Lawyers at the D’Amato Law Firm Advocate for Safety this Fall Season

If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, it is important to speak to an experienced Atlantic City personal injury lawyer who knows how to fight for what you deserve at the D’Amato Law Firm. With an office in Egg Harbor Township, we proudly serve clients from Atlantic City and South Jersey. For a free consultation, contact us online or call us at 609-926-3300.