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Elderly Drivers and Car Accidents

For Guidance on How to Proceed with a Car Accident Claim Involving a Senior Driver, Call the Atlantic City Car Accident Lawyers at D'Amato Law Firm

Teenagers are not the only ones who see a driver’s license as a sign of independence. While many probably inadvertently take for granted the ability to drive to a destination or event, some may encounter a day that they are no longer able to drive. And others will simply ignore the signs and continue to drive even though it may be dangerous.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the number of deaths has increased by 42% in the last decade in car accidents involving drivers aged 65 and older. And the number is only likely to increase, according to data that shows the aging baby boomer generation and its swelling population as a likely culprit. For this reason, it is essential to investigate the potential dangers of senior citizens operating motor vehicles. While no one wants to revoke a license, sometimes it is necessary to maintain the safety of that driver and others on the road.

What Types of Crashes Are Most Common Among Seniors?

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) notes certain accidents are more common among seniors, such as:

  • Failure to yield or intersection crashes. The IIHS cites numerous studies that report seniors often look but fail to see or recognize an oncoming vehicle before proceeding into traffic. Examples include missing a stop sign or traffic light before continuing onto a roadway.
  • Angle crashes. Commonly known as a T-bone collision, this is when the front of a vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that left turns after a stop sign as well as those at a traffic light without an arrow seem to cause seniors the most trouble and difficulty navigating them properly.
  • Overtaking and merging crashes. This includes sideswiping or misjudging how close a vehicle is before attempting to change lanes and colliding with the vehicle. The NHTSA ranks this among the top five reasons accidents occur among seniors.

What Is Going On?

Since it is highly unlikely that seniors are simply careless when driving, what is going on, and why does this happen when individuals age? Typically, it comes down to a number of factors, such as: 

  • Diminished vision. As the body ages, an individual’s eyesight decreases, making it difficult to judge depth and see clearly at night.    
  • Slower physical functions. Impulses sent from the brain to other parts of the body, such as the arms and legs, tend to slow with age, thus reducing reaction times.   
  • Trouble remembering. Individuals may become confused more easily as they age and find it difficult to reason as they once did. This could affect their ability to navigate once-familiar roads or congested traffic situations.
  • Newly diagnosed diseases. Later in life, individuals may discover health issues that they did not have previously. Such conditions may impede the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.
  • Increased medications. As a result of health issues, new medications are introduced to help combat symptoms of ailments or conditions. These medications may sometimes impact the ability of an individual to operate a motor vehicle safely and may be comparable to operating under the influence of alcohol.

What Are the Laws in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, an individual can formally request a medical review from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) to determine whether a driver is medically fit to operate a vehicle. The driver has 45 days to visit a licensed physician and return the requested forms. Failure to do so results in a suspended license, according to the NJMVC. The exam results may result in restricted or suspended driving privileges, a re-exam, or regular monitoring.

For Guidance on How to Proceed with a Car Accident Claim Involving a Senior Driver, Call the Atlantic City Car Accident Lawyers at D’Amato Law Firm

No one wants to revoke anyone’s ability to drive, but sometimes all signs point to the fact that it is time to choose alternative methods to safely move around town. When it comes to senior drivers and car accidents, there may be other factors at play that affect their ability to drive safely. If you have been involved in an accident involving a senior driver, seek assistance from the Atlantic City car accident lawyers at D’Amato Law Firm. For a free consultation, fill out our online form or call 609-926-3300. Our office is located in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, and we serve clients in Atlantic City, Linwood, Galloway Township, Cape May, Vineland, Millville, Bridgeton, Ocean City, Woodbury, and South Jersey.