December presents plenty of opportunities to celebrate. It also presents a chance for everyone to observe National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. Around the holidays, drunk driving rates increase. Driving under the influence (DUI) can lead to a fatal car accident or catastrophic injuries. Since the early 1980s, individuals and families have observed National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. It is important to consider different ways to help people remember that impaired driving is a serious violation. In[…] Read More
Category: Drunk Driving
Why is September One of the Most Dangerous Months to Drive?
September is a dangerous month for motorists. In the United States, approximately 1.15 fatal crashes occur every 100 million vehicle miles traveled. Although many families with children plan road trips during the summer months, according to American Automobile Association (AAA), about 62 percent of people plan road trips during the fall months. Labor Day Contributes to the Number of Accidents in September Another factor as to why September is a dangerous month to travel is because Labor Day weekend falls[…] Read More
What Are the Dangers of Reckless Driving?
Reckless driving is one of the most preventable causes of serious and often fatal car accidents. Speeding, failing to obey traffic signs and signals, careless lane changes, and tailgating cause a multitude of car accidents each year that kill hundreds of innocent victims and injure thousands of other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. It is important to review behaviors that are indicative of reckless driving in order to prevent car accidents. What Are Common Reckless Driving Actions? A driver that chooses[…] Read More