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What if the At-Fault Driver Lies About Their Role?

Car accidents are often stressful events.  Collecting compensation from insurance companies, having your car repaired, and recovering from injuries are just some of the difficulties you will likely face in the event of a car crash, even if it was not your fault.  Imagine how frustrating it would be if the driver who caused the accident lied about their role.  Although New Jersey is a no-fault insurance state, it is still essential to determine who is liable.  No-fault insurance means[…] Read More

Are Chemical Burns Common During Car Accidents?

Chemical burns are not the most common car accident injuries, but they can cause life-threatening and fatal consequences. They usually affect the skin, but chemicals can also enter the nose, eyes, mouth, and throat. Anyone who experiences this should get immediate medical attention. What Causes Chemical Burns in Car Accidents? A severe collision could crack the battery container, forcing the acid out. The machinery under a vehicle’s hood uses other chemicals that can cause burns and irritations. Airbags also have[…] Read More

What Is the Burden of Proof in a Car Accident Claim?

The “burden of proof” is associated with gathering and presenting evidence in car accident cases. In other words, the person filing the lawsuit in a car accident case must prove their allegations are true. Proving negligence in a car accident case starts with the duty of care. A plaintiff must prove that the defendant owed them a duty of care. With automobile crashes, that duty is generally associated with following the law and safely operating the vehicle. Speeding, running red[…] Read More