Owning a dog is one of the more rewarding experiences in life, though it does not come without its dangers. Dog bite injuries are perhaps the most frightening, particularly if you do not own the animal. Not knowing where the dog has been or if it has had any vaccinations will only compound the pain of the bite itself. Even questioning who is liable for your injury can be worrisome. Each state has their own laws in place when determining[…] Read More
Category: Dog Bites
What Should I Do After a Dog Bite?
Dog bites can be very dangerous. When injuries result from a dog bite, there can also be legal complications. When bitten by another person’s dog, liability comes into play. Many people ask what to do after being bitten and what legal resources exist for compensation. It is important to understand all aspects, medically and legally, of any dog bite case. Dog bites need to be taken seriously. A bite could cause issues, ranging from a small scratch to a life-threatening[…] Read More
Reporting Dog Bites in New Jersey
Although dogs can be loyal companions, they still have animal instincts that can be harmful or even deadly. In fact, each year in the United States, approximately 4.7 million people suffer from dog bites; a fifth of that statistic requires medical attention. According to the CDC, children are normally bitten more than adults, particularly children between 8 and 9 years old. The majority of these dog bites are not from stray dogs, they are mostly a neighbor or family member’s[…] Read More