
Does PIP Insurance Cover Passengers in New Jersey?

Knowing the state laws is very important when you get into a car accident. Each state has a “no-fault” or an “at-fault” insurance law, which governs how those involved in a car accident can receive compensation for their property damages and medical costs. In an at-fault state, the driver’s insurance company that caused the crash is liable to pay the costs of the accident; being sued is also possible. A no-fault state and personal injury protection (PIP) insurance allows drivers[…] Read More

Who Is Liable for a U-Turn Accident?

Many accidents come down to whether one or both drivers acted negligently or if someone made a mistake and performed an illegal maneuver. Performing a U-turn, especially in a congested area, must be done with extreme caution and only in legal areas. Failing to do so will likely lead to a traffic violation or, worse, a catastrophic accident. A U-turn maneuver can be made from different parts of the road. A general 500-foot rule applies before executing the U-turn, meaning[…] Read More

Can Brake Fluid Leaks Cause Car Accidents?

When the braking system in your car is compromised in any way, it could lead to disastrous consequences. Leaking brake fluid is one major issue that causes reduced or even a complete loss of stopping power. A vehicle’s stopping power is essential to the safety of the driver, their passengers, and others on the road. Without it, the chance of a car accident increases dramatically. Whether it is a car, truck, or SUV, a vehicle’s braking system uses hydraulics. That[…] Read More