D’Amato Law Firm Continues Its Fight for Answers in Case of Teen Girl Killed by Speeding Train; New Press Coverage Highlights Forensic Mishandling in Initial Investigation

Though it has been seven years since Dianne and Steve Valiante of Mays Landing were informed that their 18-year-old daughter Tiffany had intentionally jumped to her death in front of a New Jersey Transit Train, the mystery surrounding Tiffany’s tragic death remains a point of contention and interest for the media, as the publication of a new article on The Daily Beast takes a closer look at the mishandling of the case by investigating authorities. The idea that their daughter[…] Read More

What Evidence can Prove that the Other Driver was Speeding?

Any car accident can cause personal injury or property damage, but it is the accidents at higher speeds that can be particularly devastating.  Driving over the speed limit can easily lead to a loss of control and a car accident, yet countless drivers choose to do so.  Some people who are on the unfortunate end of a speeding driver may think it is difficult to prove the other’s recklessness.  But with modern technology and an experienced car accident lawyer, that[…] Read More


Speeding Many drivers have driven over the speed limit at some point in their lives. It may seem relatively harmless. However, speeding risks injuring yourself and others. Both the chance of being in an accident and the severity of a crash are increased significantly when traveling above the posted speed limit. In the past two decades, speeding was involved in about one-third of all traffic fatalities. Speeding is a form of aggressive driving and law enforcement officers are on the[…] Read More